Assiette rose



Based on the artwork created in 1959.

1,000 copies numbered from 1/1,000 to 1,000/1,000. 

50 copies numbered from EA 1/50 to EA 50 /50.

Ø 23 cm

“The composition, even the texture of my paintings, is texture of the pictorial matter; it must be highly effaced, intensely worked, strong, and serious, in order to permit the display in all its splendor, color.” 
The Red Rose Plate created in 1959 marks the appearance of pink alongside blue and gold in the chromatic pantheon in three stages. 
Before choosing pink, it was red, clearly visible on the plate, that the artist had chosen as the second fundamental colour after blue. 
Mixed with blue, red is close to incarnate, the colour of flesh and blood, which marks the artist’s return to the earth. 
Pink is also the third component of the flame of fire which reveals itself in turn blue, yellow and pink/red, depending on the intensity of its temperature.

32 cm
30 cm
(with frame)